Arts of nature #4

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Siamese Fighting fish (Betta Splendens)

Goldfish (Carassius auratus)

Black Oranda
Red cap Oranda Panda Moor
Bubble Eye

Dragonet Mandarin Fish (Synchiropus Splendidus)

Due to its natural beauty, this fish is heavily collected from throughout the Indo-Pacific.
The mandarin fish is the most beautiful member of the genus Synchiropus. It is also one of the most breath-taking marine fish ever found in oceans. Its entire body made up of wavy alternating lines of orange, blue and green. While commonly known as the mandarin goby and the mandarin fish, its true name is the mandarin dragonet.
It is similar to the scooter blenny (Synchiropus Occelatus).
Origin: Indo-Pacific Ocean | Temperament: Peaceful | Temperature: 72 – 82 Fahrenheit | Maximum Size: 4 Inches | Diet: Carnivore | Difficulty: Hard | Reef Safe: Yes | Tank Size: 75 Gallons Minimum

Red Orange Mandarin
Green Mandarin
Blue Mandarin
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