Info: chat[R]oom

Join the chatroom, either via browser (web-chat) or irc chat client program, which one is more convenient with you.

Using irc chat client program? Open it and then select add server and fill in (see the sample on the left side) and you will be taken to the server window and automatically taken into server’s main room which you can close it, and on the bottom space you have to type:
/join #lvcifer
/join #rainbow
/join #lesbianation

and you will be taken either into lvcifer -or- rainbow -or- lesbianation -or chatroom (it depends on you which room that suits your interest).

Joining via browser (web-chat)? Click n go to [ ] and then fill in your nick (you don’t need to fill in password space if your nick haven’t yet registered). You will be taken automatically to server’s main room and you can leave it or close it. Then on the bottom space where you type message, you have to type:
/join #lvcifer
/join #rainbow
/join #lesbianation

and enter!